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Blooming Tree Wealth Management

Should Election Results Impact My Retirement Investment Plan?

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s an election later this year. 

Of course, I’m kidding. While politics are a serious matter, I’d like to take a lighthearted look at how investors view the economy based on which party is in the White House. 

In the Q2 J.P. Morgan Guide to the Markets, investor sentiment among both parties during the past four presidents was presented on page 68. As you can see in the chart above, the biggest supporters of the current President are more excited about the direction of the economy than those on the other side of the aisle. At times, this excitement can be four to five times that of the opposing party. 

So what can we take away from this information?

Great leadership ALWAYS matters, however, who’s in the Oval Office is just one of many factors that impact the economy. Whether you love or loathe the man or woman in charge come the start of next year, I encourage you to take deep breaths, and to not immediately shift your long-term retirement plan. 

Stay the course, focus on what matters most, and as always, if you need assistance, contact me at